Lok Sabha Lok Sabha Election 2019 Dates, Schedule: The Lok Sabha races will be spread crosswise over seven stages, starting from April 11, Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sunil Arora declared on Sunday. The surveys will finish up on May 19. Election 2019 Dates, Schedule: The Lok Sabha races will be spread crosswise over seven stages, starting from April 11, Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sunil Arora declared on Sunday. The surveys will finish up on May 19.
The Lok Sabha decisions will be spread crosswise over seven stages, starting from April 11, Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sunil Arora declared on Sunday. The surveys will finish up on May 19 and outcomes will be pronounced four days after the fact on May 23, he said.
Tending to press instructions at Vigyan Bhavan in New Delhi, CEC Arora stated: "The Model Code of Conduct (MCC) becomes effective from today itself in the whole nation. Any infringement will be managed in the strictest way."
The Lok Sabha races will be spread crosswise over seven stages, starting from April 11, Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sunil Arora declared on Sunday. The surveys will finish up on May 19 and outcomes will be proclaimed four days after the fact on May 23, he said.
Tending to a press preparation at Vigyan Bhavan in New Delhi, CEC Arora stated: "The Model Code of Conduct (MCC) happen from today itself in the whole nation. Any infringement will be managed in the strictest way."
Races will likewise be at the same time held for the state congregations of Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh. In opposition to desires, no decisions will be held in Jammu and Kashmir, which has been without a chosen government since June a year ago when BJP hauled out of its collusion with the PDP.
While Bihar, UP and West Bengal will go to surveys in seven stages, races in J&K will be held in five stages. Four stage races will be held in Jharkhand, MP, Maharashtra, Orissa, while Assam and Chhattisgarh will see three-stage surveys. Karnataka, Manipur, Rajasthan and Tripura will have decisions in two stages. Remaining states will have single stage races
Arora said 10 lakh surveying stations would be set up this time as against around nine lakh in 2014. Almost 90 crore voters will be qualified to vote in favor of 543 Lok Sabha supporters the nation over.
Further, the Election Commission said the 'voter-certain paper review trail' (VVPAT) will be utilized in all surveying stations this time. In the primary stage, 91 supporters will to go for surveys, 97 voting public in the second stage, 115 voting demographics in the third, 71 in the fourth stage, 51 in the fifth stage, 59 in 6th and 59 in the seventh stage.
"We have attempted to cover left-wing influenced regions of different states at one go. When the left-wing influenced states get secured, which require considerably more power, at that point that security work force can move to different zones," Arora said.
Lok Sabha decision dates
Date of surveying: April 11 (first stage), April 18 (second stage), April 23 (third stage), April 29 (fourth stage), May 6 (fifth stage), May 12 (6th stage), May 19
(seventh stage)
Date of tallying: May 23
Stage 1 (April 11): Andhra Pradesh (25 voting public), Arunachal Pradesh (2), Assam (5), Bihar (4), Chhattisgarh (1), J&K (2), Maharashtra (7), Manipur (1), Meghalaya (2), Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Odisha (4), Sikkim (1), Telangana (17), Tripura (1), UP (8), Uttarakhand (5), West Bengal (2), Andaman and Nicobar (1), Lakshadweep (1)
Stage 2 (April 18): Assam (5), Bihar (5), Chhattisgarh (3), J&K (2), Karnataka (14), Maharashtra (10), Manipur (1), Odisha (5), Tamil Nadu (39), Tripura (1), UP (8), West Bengal (3), Puducherry (1)
Stage 3 (April 23): Assam (4), Bihar (5), Chhattisgarh (7), Gujarat (26), Goa (2), J&K (1), Karnataka (14), Kerala (20), Maharashtra (14), Odisha (6), UP (10), West Bengal (5), Dadar and Nagar Haveli (1), Daman and Diu (1)
Stage 4 (April 29): Bihar (5), J&K (1), Jharkhand (3), MP (6), Maharshtra (17), Odisha (6), Rajasthan (13), UP (13), Bengal (8)
What is Model Code of Conduct? Is it legitimately official?
Stage 5 (May 6): Bihar (1), J&K (2), Jharkhand (4), MP (7), Rajasthan (12), UP (14), Bengal (7)
Stage 6 (May 12): Bihar (8), Haryana (10), Jharkhand (4), MP (8), UP (14), Bengal (8), Delhi (7)
Stage 7 (May 19): Bihar (8), Jharkhand (3), MP (8), Punjab (13), Bengal (9), Chandigarh (1), UP (13), Himachal Pradesh (4)
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